About Me
Amateur Radio has been in my blood since I was a young boy. My father Stan was licensed as W2VRN back in the 1950's. Born in 1959, I remember my fathers radio room growing up, but sadly, I lost my father when I was 8 years old. My mother had kept some of his equipment in the attic and as I grew into my teens I became curious as to how it worked. Also, old QSL cards and past issues of QST magazine were around. I got into a little bit of shortwave listening and almost tested for my novice ticket at about 14 years old. That never happened, but then at 21 I got the bug again and took my novice test and was granted the callsign of KA2NHC. I was a novice for just a short time and became a General and requested a 1x3 callsign. For the next 20 plus years I was N2DBI. Chasing DX and just a little contesting dominated my radio life for the next 20 years. In the early 2000's is when the real contesting bug bit. At the same time I volunteered with The Maritime Mobile Service Network and The Hurricane Watch Net. I still support these groups with software I wrote for the organizations. However, radiosport eventually won out as my primary passion. Since 2016 I have been a member of Nagara Frontier Radosport and share my passion with other operators in Western New York. I have been married since 1980 to my wife Caroline and we have two adult daughters and four grandchildren where we have been life long residents of Niagara Falls, NY. I am a born again (John 3:3) Christian who loves Jesus. Jesus is not looking for you to be perfect, just trust Him.


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